Established in 2001, Fallen Oak Ranch is a llama ranch located in the beautiful Northern California foothills. We have a variety of Bolivian, Chilean and North American crosses and FULL ARGENTINES. Our Argentine breeding program offers some of the rarest genetics on the West Coast. We are proud to have well named bloodlines in our animals. We are even prouder to have llamas with correct conformation and a good head (yes, we like brains between those ears) To our dismay, we see many ranches that push the top names but consider conformation as a secondary criteria. We have carefully selected breeding stock which are SOLID. Nearly all of our stock have been 'unproven' before coming to our ranch! In our first seventeen years of showing, our animals have done quite well. We have had many Grand and Reserve Champions. Our llamas have been to/or qualified for Nationals in 2002 - 2018. Our first Ranch-Bred crias were seen winning at the 2004 llama shows. All of them came home with at least one blue ribbon and two came home with Reserve Grand Champions! We have gone on to win many Reserve and Grand Champions. Fallen Oak has had National Division Top 3 & Top 5 twice (PFO Lakota & Arg. Midnight Amarula) and National Class Grand and Reserve Champions. Our crias have gone on to win many more ribbons for their new owners. In 2012, our Argentine Shoshone was the first Full Argentine female to ever receive the ALSA Halter Champion Award! This makes our second ALSA Halter Champion with several more well on their way!
All sales animals can be haltered & led, travel in a van and have socialized with people. We believe that if a llama has this basic training, the new owner will want to work with it more. Training of our animals is done through a reward system. We have been successful in training animals which have not trusted people previously. We know that llamas each have their own individual personality and need to be handled with this in mind. Therefore, our llamas progress in their training at different rates. Our herdsires and cria regularly hop in the van for outings in the park or on the trail.